Friday, September 13, 2024

Friday: Operation Clean the House

Today I was purposeful about spending some time on Operation: Clean the House.  I had plenty of things I was supposed to do, but O:CtH makes me feel like I'm actually accomplishing things, especially things that don't need to be done again the next week.  Anyway, I worked on the laundry room.  I cleared off the dryer, cleaned the inside of the washer, and mostly finished cleaning the cabinet.  I got rid of a bunch of random things along with several bottles.

I also used a coupon for a sleep over with three of Joshua's four stuffies.  I also got to sleep with Giraffe.

However, Creeper was really sad to be left out and gave me a coupon for a sleepover with him.  Note that Creeper is just learning how to write.

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