Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thursday: cart corrals

I have an issue with how people put carts in cart corrals at Meijer.  There are two lanes at every station.  There are two sizes of carts.  How about we all take a second to look at what other carts are in there and sort them for the people that kindly lug the carts back into the building for us.

It irks me when this doesn't happen.

In other news, no fever today (or tonight (yet).)  I went to the doctor's office tonight because I'm still sore and they gave me another antibiotic and a follow-up appointment.  I got the prescription refilled at Walgreen's because they have a 24 hour pharmacy, and they still had my New York address.  Odd, but understandable.  (Although I did spend the drive home trying to figure out where the Walgreen's was in New York.  Across the bridge?  I think I only had one or two prescriptions that I didn't order in the mail.  Oh, I just remembered.  By the courthouse.  Yeah, that would be the closest to where we lived.  Nope..that was a different pharmacy.  I looked it up on googlemaps.  The closest was in JC, but I'm not sure why I would have gone there.  Guess it's a mystery.)  The funny thing is that it didn't like my phone number, which hasn't changed.  Oh well, I still got my medicine.

I also always spell antibiotic and prescription wrong.  Good thing for spell check.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wednesday: health update and pool

So last night the fever raged.  I needed ibuprofen and Tylenol before I got it under control.  In the past that has signaled the end of the problem.  Today, although I was fever free, I'm still sore so there's still a problem.  Maybe the antibiotics will work their magic.  One can hope, right?  Last time I went through this I kept getting a fever in the evening.  I haven't gotten one yet, but there is still time.

But, since I was feeling good enough to live life we went to the pool with Betsy and her kids.

These are the squirters.  The boys loved them.  Betsy and I felt like we kept yelling at the boys to behave with them.  It's not as though they were intentionally being mean with them, but it is such a strong squirt that it goes far out and can be hard to judge the direction.

The pre-toddlers sat in the shallow part for a bit and then were carried.  Joshua didn't move at all, which surprised me.  The water might have been a bit on the cold side for him.

We all came home and took naps that were too long...but it just meant that Ben got home all the sooner!

Update: surprise!  I do have a fever.  I thought I was slightly cold due to the A/C.  Feeling slightly odd, but really didn't expect to have a fever.  (I enjoy taking my temperature.  Isaac inherits that quality from me.)  Anyway, I took some Ibuprofen and we'll see how I'm doing at bed time.  Aren't you glad for these play-by-play details?? :p

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tuesday: sick

This morning I collapsed into bed, abruptly awaking Ben, after Joshua's morning feeding and said, "I need some help.  I need meds, Joshua is awake, and Isaac is yelling about whether he can get up."

I did feel better after some medicine, but kindly Pat was able to come over and play with the boys while I laid in bed.  Then they took naps.  Then I was feeling better until about 5:45 since the fever came back a bit earlier than expected.  So there was a half hour when things were...odd, but that wasn't too bad.

So I have some pictures from yesterday...

I was going to try and get 1 yr shots for Joshua.  Isaac with bed head sat down first.

This was probably the only good one I got.  Joshua liked to keep his back to me.

Then we did bouncy balls.  Safety first!  Wear your helmet.  Joshua's didn't stay on for long, but we really didn't get hit by balls all that much.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday: I need a do over

Blah. Today didn't go as well as normal. Isaac was rather whiny. Joshua was whiny when Isaac wasn't. Joshua's hemoglobin is slightly low, so he needs a vitamin supplement. (Ok, this is rather low on the annoying spectrum.)

I'm fighting mastitis again, with no idea why. Of course, I wasn't expecting it and ignored the warning signs until it was too late.

Did I mention Isaac was whiny? Right before dinner he was running around yelling, "something is wrong with me."

But to be fair, there were good parts too. Our fun activity was bouncy balls. It wasn't quite as fun as it was when I was a kid, but still worked well and Isaac had a good time. Joshua did too, although they seemed to mystify him a bit. I stayed I'm bed most {all} of the evening, but my book, ready player one, is really good. I might have gotten up otherwise.

Although now my side of the bed is annoyingly warm.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sunday: this and that

We started the day (well, the first thing of note) by helping out in nursery as a family.  I'm not sure Isaac understood that he was supposed to be helping though, as he kept playing with the toys.  But it worked.  Ben somehow managed to cuddle with one of the boys there almost the entire time...lucky him.

Towards the end of the day we took a little walk.  A storm was coming and so the weather was perfect.  Warm with a large breeze.  Isaac was rather wild and crazy today, so he needed a walk.  Or, at least, he needed something to do.  He took his bubble pop lawn mower which was rather loud but did keep him from deciding that he was done walking.

The storm was awesome.  It was continuous thunder and almost continuous lightning.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Saturday: a one year old

Now that Joshua is one year old I don't have to call ahead for him when we go to the gym.  It is a wonderful perk.

However, he also seems to be bonking his head a lot lately.  There are two bruises.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday: Jesus

Yesterday Isaac and I were talking in the car.  I forget the subject exactly...

Amanda: You're getting so big!
Isaac: Yeah, because I prayed about it!
Amanda: That's right, I remember that prayer.

He actually prayed that he would get bigger faster.  I'm not sure that I prayed the exact same thing...

Then this morning he sang "My love Jesus" over and over and over very loudly.  But how could I get annoyed at such a thing?  It's one of my deepest desires that my boys learn to love Jesus, and I'm sure Jesus was smiling about it.