Friday, February 1, 2008

Friday: ice day

Well, there's an ice day today. I got up a little early to try and beat it into work, but after Ben worrying about me and realizing there was already ice on the driveway I gave myself a firm talking to and said I needed to keep myself safe, and not worry about what others think if I don't show up today.

It seems to have been a good decision, because a lot of people seem to be making it. The only problem is that I don't have a lot of work I can do from home because I didn't listen to Ben yesterday and take some home with me.

But once I get over myself I think I have a nice day...some WoW, getting a head-start on the chores, and enjoying the long weekend.

1 comment:

Han said...

That is awesome!! While I think you should really appreciate having a freebie day off, I really appreciate the lack of ice days here where I am. Even though I had to go to work today, it is a warm and sunny day, which I can see through my window.