Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, work has be ok lately. Some good, some not good, but what else is new?

The highlight of my day was the jello I had for lunch. We're running very low on lunch foods, so I got it to supplement the lunch. It had a lot of fruit in it and some whipped topping on the top. I only like whipped topping on jello. I'm not sure why. So that was good, and then there was a grape at the very end that was delicious.

Ben and I finished all of the episodes of Scrubs that are out on DVD and are starting The Office tonight. While I really want to start the next season of Scrubs because it ended on a dumb cliff-hanger, I'm excited about The Office too.

1 comment:

sailor42 said...

I would also suggest thinking about watching the british version of The Office. Same characters but different plot and jokes (except for the first episode