Thursday, September 3, 2009


Happy Thursday! Tomorrow's Friday! And then a long weekend! I worked quite a bit on my quilt tonight. Wow...two q words in a sentance. I quickly worked quite a bit on the Queen's quilt. Too bad I'm not quick or a queen.

Not much else is new. I have a ton of leftovers. Yesterday someone brought in bagels, so I had a bagel instead of my sandwich. Then Ben and I went to Chinese for dinner, and had tons of extras. Then tonight I didn't eat all my dinner and I still have an italian chicken in the fridge. That's like four lunches. Pretty exciting. We also have too much salsa in the fridge. We keep trying a new type and deciding we don't like it but then not getting rid of it.

Well, tonight's post is getting a little loopy, so maybe I'll go read. I finished my puzzle last night which was exciting. I thought I had lost a piece but it just got under the mat.


Ertman-Trowbridge Family said...

Leftovers are a wonderful thing!

And I am so glad you got to spend some quality time with your quilt.

Jamie said...

or the Quick queen of Quincy and her quacking quackeroo!