Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wednesday: raking

Today was busy at work, which was very nice.

After work I raked. It turns out that our pine tree is loosing it's needles. It's worse that normal leaves, but I also find them more satisfying than normal leaves. They completely coat the grass, changing it from green to yellow. So every time I do one rake I get a lot of pine needles, but since they are so thin about half of them just pass right through the rake. But the grass looks so different every time you do a rake it. And even when you can't tell there are a lot of needles you still get a lot of needles.

Since it is Wednesday I worked on the quilt, although not as much as most Wednesdays. I did manage to get all the pieces cut out though! Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have learned many things about you...from quilting to applesauce making. I followed the "crumbs" from the Clay report, to heather's, to yours. :)