Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday: this and that

Let's I did some random things. I helped one of Ben's aunts move a little bit of stuff to her new house. Most of the moving is happening on Saturday though. It's a very cute house...and it's older, so it has all these random things in it that might it fun. Cheryl and I put together a shelving unit. It made me feel like an engineer again. Especially since we had a few problems (why does pre-built furniture never seem to go together as easily as it should).

Then Cheryl and I went grocery shopping. We almost didn't go since there was nothing urgent that we needed, but we also realized that the store was probably just going to get busier and busier as the weekend went on. Needless to say, it was still rather busy for a Thursday afternoon.

Then I took a nap. I've been trying to not take naps this week because then I have a hard time falling asleep, but staying awake didn't seem to be much of an option. I made Flurry take a nap with me by sitting in her favorite chair.

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