Friday, November 29, 2013

Friday: some pictures

They're not great pictures, but they still give you an idea of the day...

Isaac has been in charge of feeding Flurry lately and today found the catnip spray.  So I sprayed it on a cat toy.  After that Isaac was sure that Flurry should play with her mouse and ran around for about fifteen minutes trying to give it to her.  They finally settled on Flurry looking at it while on the banister.

Isaac helped me with the wash.  He actually pulled the basket to my room, picked up all the loose clothes on the floor, and had most of them in the washing machine by the time I was back to it with another basket full.

We went to Chuck E. Cheese.  It seems just right for his age...well, more or less.  He doesn't really get the games, but there are lots of rides that he enjoyed.  I couldn't get any pictures of him smiling, but he did...  (He also wanted to do the jump rope game.  Never mind that he can't even jump yet, let alone understand the game.  I tried jumping while holding him.  It was a hard game.)

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