Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday: more happenings

We finished putting the tree up today.  I didn't take any pictures, but they'll come.  I had to get some more strings of lights and ended up with some LED ones...and now have colored circles on the walls and ceiling.  It's a little weird, but I do love lights.  I think if I could only pick one Christmas decoration I'd do lights.  And lots of them.  But not too many, because it should still seem dark in the dark.

Putting up Christmas decorations with a two year old is a ton more fun than with a one year old.  We took out the nativity set and had fun unwrapping everything.  He (and his cousin) helped with the ornaments, even though all he really did was bring them from the couch to the tree.  It was a lot of fun.

In unrelated news, Isaac has started to tell me he needs to go to the bathroom by pulling down his pants.  The problem is that this usually happens outside the bathroom.  We'll have to figure out how to fix that soon.  He also tried to put them on today.  (If you can't tell, they're backwards.)

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