Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wednesday: a busy day

We had a busy day today!!

I made some yogurt.  I haven't tried it yet so I'm not sure if it is any good.  Isaac could eat about three large containers of yogurt a week...which seems kind of crazy to me and there are only three flavors in the large tubs.  Most of mine is vanilla for now, but there is one cherry.

Then we got our flu shots.  Isaac didn't cry - I was very proud of him.  I was not so proud of the mess he made with is lollipop though...I took it away before he was done.

Then we came home and made soup!  I put too much rice in, as normal, because it never seems like the recipe calls for enough and I like my soup to be ricey.  So I just had to add some liquids as the day went on.

After a nap (it rained all day...perferct nap weather!) we went to exchange the old i-pad at Target.  If you have old or unused i-devices you may want to check out the's pretty nice.  After a quick stop at the pet store we headed off to the gym.  Ben won all three matches, but I made him work for it.

Lastly, I cleaned the house...or tried to make a dent in the mess...while Isaac and Ben picked up a new i-pad.  It seems very nice!  The rest of the evening has been nice and relaxing.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Did u try the yogurt now? How is it?