Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday: at home

So the car needed to stay at the garage overnight.  Annoying, but not too big of deal.  Until 8:00am, when the power went out.  And stayed out.  Which started to scare me because if it continued to stay out it was going to get cold in the house and I'd have no way to get to a warm place.  I called the parents and made alternate arrangements.  Ben was going to go by McDonald's and bring us back a warm breakfast, because cold, dry cheerios didn't sound good at all.  (McDonald's didn't have power either though.)

The power came back on a few minutes after Ben called to say McDonald's was closed so I didn't have to have a cold breakfast.  Hooray.

The rest of the day went fine.  It was a little annoying to not be able to do the errands I was planning on doing, but we did go out to shovel the end of the driveway.  Isaac drags his shovel behind him up and down the driveway and we saw the neighbor's dog.

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