Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday: Robin Hood and Christmas music

Isaac started watching Disney's Robin Hood today.  It is the movie Nathan and I watched the most as kids...I have it memorized.  I still have it memorized, 20 years later.  And it's still a great movie.  Isaac seemed to think so too.

Isaac has also been enjoying some Christmas music lately.  (And asking for it by doing his dancing hand up and down in the air.)  So we brought him to the Christmas music show at church.  However, it turns out that I wasn't thinking.  For some reason I thought it would be more of a moving around thing, but it was a sit and listen thing.  Very nice, but it didn't work so well with an extra-active toddler.  Isaac stayed in the sanctuary for a bit and Ben and I spent some time with him in the foyer, but we left early.  Isaac enjoyed it, even if he couldn't sit still for a second.

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