Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday: snow!

Ahh...the last few weeks have been so nice now that we've had snow.  Last year I did get sick of the snow around March...I think it started in November...but only because we had no place to put it anymore.  I love watching it come down and making everything white.

Today it snowed most of the day.  A little bit of "I can easily see the houses across the lake" to "I can't see the houses at all!"  (The last one rarely happens.  The normal heavy snow is "I can make out house-like shapes if I move my head back and forth.)  It was lovely.  And it was super light snow, so we didn't get a ton of accumulation.  Probably just the right amount for sledding tomorrow.


betsy said...

Did you sled? We decided it is too cold, did some running inside the house to burn energy, watched some fireman Sam and headed for naps :)

betsy said...

Did you sled? We decided it is too cold, did some running inside the house to burn energy, watched some fireman Sam and headed for naps :)