Saturday, January 2, 2016

Jan 1: sledding

This afternoon, after naps, we realized that we needed a plan.  So we decided to go work on the driveway.  You see, on Monday there was a snow storm.  (It was an odd storm as the temperature was about 32 deg, making it almost more sleety.  It hurt to go outside.)  The forecast said that it was supposed to warm up, so Ben and I ignored the driveway, laughing at the people that shoveled while secretly wondering if we should have shoveled too.

We should have.

I still have hopes of the driveway melting in the coming week, but based on this past week it might not happen.  So we at least shoveled the snow off of it.

Joshua wasn't having a great time, so Ben gave him a shovel ride.  That's rather hard, so then he got a sled ride.  Then Isaac wanted a sled ride.  It turned out that it was the perfect conditions for sled rides.  There wasn't too much snow and it was rather icy and slick, so pulling the sleds was a breeze.  Isaac went down our hills several times, a few times alone and a few times with us.  During most of this time Joshua was stoic.  We finally got a few smiles at the very end, but had to work pretty hard for them.  He wasn't crying or trying to get out of the sled, so I'm assuming he had a good time.  Isaac had lots of laughs, and I know he had a good time.

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