Saturday, December 3, 2016

Saturday: graham cracker houses

We made graham cracker houses today.

Joshua barely got through making his base.  He just wanted to eat graham crackers.  His is on the right.  I did a pretty easy structure next to Joshua.  Ben did a house with a corner and a slanted roof, and Isaac did "the biggest".  There are some spools inside his to support the roof. Isaac did about half of his by himself, but needed some help with the sides and top.

Joshua did much better with decorating. :)  I slabbed some frosting on the sides and he put candy on.

I put a lot of candy on like Joshua, but was slightly more controlled and methodical.  I mainly put on the things I want to eat later.

Ben decorated his like a house.

And Isaac had a story with his.  The candy corns are people going up on the roof.  (Once they're on the roof, they need to lie on their bellies, either so they don't fall off or through the roof.)  The door is on the roof.  There is a snow pile with a light pole, like I have.  There is a ladder to the roof and a barrel on the side of the house.  (Literally.  He frostinged it to the side.)


betsy said...

What a fun Christmas activity!

betsy said...

What a fun Christmas activity!