Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday: food basket

Today Isaac and I went to volunteer at Kids' Food Basket.  We, along with other volunteers, packet about 550 bag dinners.  Into a brown bag went a banana, carrots, granola bar, and wrap.  Isaac did the granola bar.  He did an excellent job.  By the end he was being rather silly, but he didn't start it and he didn't hold up the line at all.  So it really just made it more fun.

Leaving we were looking at a poster and he saw some people on it..."1 in 5 people [or kids, I can't remember] in Michigan is hungry."  I tried talking to him about it.  "Do you get hungry sometimes?"  "Yes."  "But we have plenty of food.  What would you do if you didn't have enough?"  "Come here."  Well, ok...not quite where I was hoping his train of thought would go but also not a bad start.

In other news...

Both boys were sleeping in the same position last night.  This is highly unlikely because they have very different sleeping positions.

We had an upside down  sunglasses moment.  Because you need to protect your eyes in this cloudy weather.

Blue Bear enjoyed his first pony ride.  Joshua kept him safe.

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