Saturday, September 29, 2018

Friday: critter barn

This week Joshua told me that he wanted to go to the Critter barn, just Mom and Joshua.  Well, that was an easy enough request to grant so we went today.

We got out of the car and the first thing he wanted to see were the chickens.  He knew exactly where he wanted to go.

Then we got a bucket of hay to feed the animals.  He held it for about a minute, during which time a goat got its head stuck in the bucket.  After that I fed the animals that Joshua directed me to, and if they were too crazy we went somewhere else.  (Two or three goats with all their heads in the bucket didn't qualify as crazy though.)

We also watched the duck pond get cleaned for quite a while.  We hit a few of the other animals, but not all of them.  Joshua was ready to leave and so we did.  It was nice to get outside for a while even if it wasn't super long.

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