Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday: not lost

Today was a success...I didn't lose Joshua.

Although it felt like a close call.  I was trying to get all the stuff together to go to the library.  Joshua saw the garbage truck and went out to see it.  I was pretty sure that he had come back in, but as I was collecting the books the house was awfully quiet.  I started calling for answer.  I ran part way around the Joshua.  I yelled for him in the Joshua.  I was getting rather nervous, although not completely freaked out.  He's a good kid and knows the rules.  And when I start counting because they're in trouble he usually starts to cry, and that didn't happen.  I had one last place to look.  And there was Joshua, calmly sitting in his car seat, mostly ready to go.  He had gotten one of the bottom buckles done for his car seat, which he hasn't been able to do often.  I told him to try the other side while I finished up the books.  Phew.  My heart rate went back to normal while Joshua managed to successfully get himself all buckled in.

Overall it felt like a really good day with him.  The right amount of work and play, I guess.  We played Super Rhino, with our own rules, and beat the building.

I had also given Isaac a peanut butter and M&M sandwich for his lunch, because that's what I had in high school every Friday for my lunch.  He loved it and it was the highlight of his day.


betsy said...

I love the special Friday lunch idea!!! 😍

CHilldore said...

I'm SO glad Joshua wasn't "lost"