Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Wednesday: Giraffe

Isaac's lovie is Giraffe.  Isaac has gone through several lovies in his six years, but Giraffe has stayed around for quite a while.  Giraffe doesn't go everywhere like Grey Bear does, but whenever Isaac sleeps somewhere other than his bed Giraffe usually comes.

This weekend Giraffe got lost.  Now, I'm pretty sure that Giraffe is somewhere in the house.  But Isaac was in tears the one night he had to sleep without Giraffe in the basement.  (He then slept without tears for two nights, but it was his own bed.)

Anyway, it turns out that Giraffe had walked all the way to Aunt Allison's house*. 

*Just kidding.  Somehow we both ended up with the same animal and they were generous enough to give us their copy.  I'm hoping that when the other Giraffe is found Isaac doesn't really realize there are two; hopefully I can pull it off.

**I'd also like to let future Isaac know that once we find the original Giraffe I replaced Replacement Giraffe so you still have the right copy...even if I don't mention it in the blog again.

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