Friday, August 26, 2022

Thursday: errands

 We had several errands today, but they didn't take up too much time.

*Get more kitty food because I had a great coupon.  The boys pretty much spent the coupon on a new cat toy.

*Get a new drain spout and garbage can with a step at Lowes.  Both boys wanted to try the garbage can.  Isaac did it; no problem.  Joshua tried, and it wouldn't work.  It turned out every time it needed a weird jiggle before it'd work again.  I moved up to the slightly more expensive model.  Joshua tried it; no problem.  Isaac tried it; it wouldn't work.  Needless to say, I wouldn't recommend a Rubbermaid step-opening garbage can right now.  We left without one.

*Peanut store.  What more can I say?

*Scrapyard, which is the rock climbing place Isaac's about to start lessons at.  We went so that Joshua could see it and maybe change his mind about lessons.  As we were looking, someone says hi to me...we know each other a bit from Hope and see each other in the most random places.  Well, it turns out he's actually the owner and therefore once I told him the purpose of the trip let the kids climb for a few minutes.  Joshua had a great time and changed his mind to yes, so we signed him up right away.  The kids talked my ear off on the way home about the different holds and the small amount that they learned in the ten minutes that they climbed.

*Meet the teacher night.  It was not really that fun.  It was too crowded.  However, both kids successfully met and interacted with their teachers and found their classrooms which I guess was the main point.  By the time we got out it was on the late side.  I was planning on picking up dinner anyway, but by the time we were done with dinner it was almost 7:30pm.

In other news, while we were prepping the school supplies Joshua cut open the clorox wipes wrapping and had me put it on my head.  It was a pretty good fit, so I was just wearing it around.  I stepped outside to shake something out, only to realize there were people walking by while I was wearing this awesome hat.  The kids got a kick out of my embarrassment. :s

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