Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday: a good day

There were a lot of little things that worked today.  Ben had an appointment in the morning.  It usually goes long, and today it was long but not absurdly long.  I went on a walk with a friend.  It was colder out than I expected, but it was still nice to get out.

Isaac had full band practice after school.  Annoyingly, he had to stand out in the cold by parent pick-up before going back inside to go to practice.  I understand why, but at the same time, it seems like they could figure something different out.  There were a bunch of students doing this though, so they could all be cold together.

I cleaned a drawer for O:CtH.  This one was my miscellaneous paper and random other stuff drawer and I had recently put too much paper in it and it was hard to open.  This drawer does get cleaned out regularly, but I still got rid of a bit and put several more papers in a different pile for filing.  I'm not sure I'd call it organized, but it is much emptier.

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