Friday, May 5, 2023

Friday: progress? take 2

Today was another day that I made progress, but it doesn't really feel like it.

I graded, but still have half the final exams to go.

I took a nap, but Tornado meowed a lot and woke me up.  

I had black belt boot camp.  We did self-defense the whole time.  I already get self-defense mixed up really easily, and so by the last part my brain felt like mush.  And my wrists are sore.  I guess we'll see how it goes tomorrow when I make a child do it with me.  I am a bit overwhelmed with the whole thing though, as we apparently have only one more practice before testing.  (Note: I've heard rumors that they'll be pushing back the testing, but thought they'd say something tonight if that was the case.  Since I didn't hear anything, I need to assume we're still going with the posted schedule.)

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