Thursday, May 4, 2023

Thursday: progress?

 Today felt rather least with the metrics that are easy to measure.

I sorted last week's laundry so that the kids could easily find their clothes.  (They ended up putting them away as a chore too.)  I started the dishwasher.  I worked on my next black belt form.

Then I went into Hope to grade.  While I had hoping to knock out a whole bunch of exams, they went really slowly.  I'm not really sure why for most of them.  There were a few that were poorly done and so hard to grade and there was one that involved a quick trip to the computer lab.  Anyway, hopefully they get faster.

I had lunch with the department and did take a nap.  The nap went well.

We bought our summer flowers after school.  It was a fun time as always.  The boys got into it too.  We're going to try watermelons (again) and Joshua found his snap dragons.  Isaac also picked out a sunflower and Joshua picked out an orange flower.

I graded a few more exams and emptied the dishwasher before karate.  There was at least room on the counter to put the dinner dishes, but the process is rather backed up.

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