Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Monday: Joshua's computer

 A short while ago we decided that it was time for Joshua to have his own (good) computer.  So I have a new computer and Joshua, who is inheriting my old computer, has been sad about the lack of Minecraft for the last few days.  It hasn't been too long, but I wanted to get everything set up for him promptly.

And so, in between a few other chores today, I reset the office.  It use to have one longer table, but that table wasn't long enough for two computers.  

Joshua was so excited.  He promptly decorated his table with assorted Minecraft characters made out of Lego and added the creeper head to the back of his chair.  Ben and I were happy that we've hung on to some of the old monitors that we've used in the past...they're small and the color isn't great on the secondary monitors, but they work for looking stuff up as needed.  These tables also came with cupholders, but we're calling them lovie holders instead; you can see Grey Bear in the middle of the picture.

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