Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday: 41 months

Isaac recently turned 41 months old.

Odd things - this month he has started to fake burp really loudly all the time.  The last day or two I've only heard it once, so I'm hoping it's on the way out.  He also has a sudden obsession with winning.  Everything is a race.  He gets rather sad when he doesn't win, but we're trying to show that it's ok to lose too.  The problem is that when he loses it suddenly turns into a tie.

New abilities - he's been dressing himself for a while - I forget exactly when that started.  He can sometimes get zippers done.  Dressing himself often leads to odd clothes combinations, but that can be learned later.  He really likes soft pants and shorts.  I am not allowed to call shorts pants...they're shorts.  He has started getting some of his own snacks, but still asks first.  He likes to make his own flavored water.  He's had two nights of wearing underwear to bed; there have been many nights that he has been dry.

Family - He's recently told me that my lap is the best place.  :D  He still loves hanging out with Ben.  He doesn't really play with Joshua much, but has asked for him to watch TV with him.  And knows how to help him stop fussing.  Isaac is also very conscientious that small items stay away from Joshua.

Attitude - We still have some rough days, but most of the time he's pretty laid back and happy.  And silly.  (Above he is drinking Cheerios from a bottle, his new favorite past time.)  He will often listen and obey, although it isn't always without "discussion" first.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday: alternate realities

Say every time you made a semi-important choice an alternate reality was created, a reality in which you made the opposite choice.

That means there would be a reality in which you always made the right choice.  I wonder what that would look like?  But then there would be one that you always made the wrong choice.  Ugg.

(I don't feel like I've made a very wrong choice recently, it was just an interesting thought.)

Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday: a game, a surprise, and milkshakes

First off, we have a game.  Can you tell what Ben and I made over the last two days?  (Hint: it is based on a book.)

Secondly, as I was finishing our Duplo creation up I looked behind me to check on Joshua.  He was standing up!  This was the first time he had managed to pull himself to standing.

We drew "clean high chair" and "make milkshakes" out the jar today.  The high chair was more of a pain than it should have been because I wanted to clean it outside and it had just rained so I didn't know how to deal with holding Joshua.  But it is mostly clean.  We decided to wait on milkshakes until Ben was home, and then Cheryl was around too so it was a milkshake party.  We also used up the ice cream, which gives me some nice freezer space back.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday: scooting

Joshua went all over this morning.  From the table to our bedroom door and then back to the steps.  Here's a quick video showing it, because it's pretty silly.  (Isaac and Ben are having a conversation about which side of his belt he will be wearing.)

We drew "do puzzles" and "clean duplos" from the jars.  I know, cleaning duplos isn't very work-like, but it gave Isaac something to do while I dealt with the boys' closets.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday: excersise

For the first time, on a work day, in 2.5 weeks, we didn't pull any activities out of the jar.  It was a mistake.  We had a work thing (make curry) and a fun thing (go to the playground), but the day still didn't quite seem to work.  Maybe in the future if we have such days I'll just say what we're going to do when Isaac pulls the paper out of the jar, instead of doing what is actually on the paper.

In other news, we just renewed our gym membership and went to play racquetball today.  I'm out of shape.  Big time.  But you have to start somewhere, right?  Also, I got to wear my workout shirt that I got two Christmases ago.  I was pregnant then, and then when I wasn't pregnant I wasn't working out.  It is super comfortable though!  It might make me more excited to work out.  And maybe more laundry will get done too, as an additional side effect.  One can hope.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday: 10 months

Joshua is 10 months old (soon)!  (The 28th is in the middle of the I figured I could take his pictures anytime.)

Sleep: He is down to two naps a day, although sometimes it's just one.  He's often been sleeping through the night, but once or twice a week will wake up.  He goes to bed around 8pm and sleeps until about 6:30am.

Eating: He's been eating several new foods recently, and with summer coming on I'm hoping to add a bunch more.  Some new ones include watermelon, cheerios, and parsnips.

Moving: This past weekend I'd say he really starting moving.  It is a scoot while sitting, but has become very effective.  I just put the baby gate up today.  He is still pulling up to be on his knees and working on standing if we stand him up somewhere.

Attitude: Still very calm.  There are times he refuses to be put down though.  He is happiest at home.  He is serious when out and about, but not unhappy.  He enjoys playing with his toys.

Family: I think Ben is his favorite, but he likes me a lot too.  And Isaac makes him laugh the most.  Above is a picture when Isaac was coming into his bedroom.  Usually he bounces and does a silly sound, but this time he lunged.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday: Memorial Day

We went to the parade this morning.  I like the Memorial Day parade because it is just the right length and it is easy to get in and out.  And it is good to pay respect to those who have served in our country.  I briefly told Isaac about the purpose for the parade, but I'm not sure he got it.  The thing I forgot about this parade is how people stand up for most of it.  One of these years I'll get front row seats.  (Also, I took some pictures but my phone is acting up and won't let me access them right now.)

After the parade Joshua was downstairs in the big room and managed to scoot about 20 feet...that's the farthest he's gone yet. It took about 45 minutes, but every time I looked in on him he was somewhere else.

We spent this afternoon with Ben's family.

Isaac tried to play croquet, tried being the key word.

Then he decided he wanted to go on a boat ride.  He asked both grandparents and since nobody objected, that's what we did.

Joshua wasn't a fan of the life jacket.  He and Ben went inside shortly after this picture was taken.

He got to drive too.