Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday: a game, a surprise, and milkshakes

First off, we have a game.  Can you tell what Ben and I made over the last two days?  (Hint: it is based on a book.)

Secondly, as I was finishing our Duplo creation up I looked behind me to check on Joshua.  He was standing up!  This was the first time he had managed to pull himself to standing.

We drew "clean high chair" and "make milkshakes" out the jar today.  The high chair was more of a pain than it should have been because I wanted to clean it outside and it had just rained so I didn't know how to deal with holding Joshua.  But it is mostly clean.  We decided to wait on milkshakes until Ben was home, and then Cheryl was around too so it was a milkshake party.  We also used up the ice cream, which gives me some nice freezer space back.

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