Saturday, May 16, 2015

Saturday: pomegranates

We recently learned a good way to get arils out of pomegranates thanks to Alton Brown of Good Eats.  It was simple enough, so I though we would try them.

It's an odd bite down and get a squirt of juice and then have the sac is kind of like when a kernel of popcorn hasn't quite popped all the way.  However, Isaac loves them!  Loves them!  Probably because they're juicy.  They were an instant hit.

And somehow, I'm not really sure how, he started paying for the arils.  He has a bunch of coins, and so it was one aril per cent.  Then he does some extra chores to earn his money back.  Yesterday I had him read Dear Zoo to Joshua (so cute!!), today he had to put all the shoes in the shoe closet.

So, somehow, pomegranates are teaching him about the value of coins (through a dime), addition, and work ethic.  It'll be good for as long as it lasts.

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