Sunday, May 31, 2015

Sunday: 41 months

Isaac recently turned 41 months old.

Odd things - this month he has started to fake burp really loudly all the time.  The last day or two I've only heard it once, so I'm hoping it's on the way out.  He also has a sudden obsession with winning.  Everything is a race.  He gets rather sad when he doesn't win, but we're trying to show that it's ok to lose too.  The problem is that when he loses it suddenly turns into a tie.

New abilities - he's been dressing himself for a while - I forget exactly when that started.  He can sometimes get zippers done.  Dressing himself often leads to odd clothes combinations, but that can be learned later.  He really likes soft pants and shorts.  I am not allowed to call shorts pants...they're shorts.  He has started getting some of his own snacks, but still asks first.  He likes to make his own flavored water.  He's had two nights of wearing underwear to bed; there have been many nights that he has been dry.

Family - He's recently told me that my lap is the best place.  :D  He still loves hanging out with Ben.  He doesn't really play with Joshua much, but has asked for him to watch TV with him.  And knows how to help him stop fussing.  Isaac is also very conscientious that small items stay away from Joshua.

Attitude - We still have some rough days, but most of the time he's pretty laid back and happy.  And silly.  (Above he is drinking Cheerios from a bottle, his new favorite past time.)  He will often listen and obey, although it isn't always without "discussion" first.

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