Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday: 44 weeks

Joshua is 44 weeks old today.

His top two teeth are just starting to poke through.

Today we pulled "change everyone's sheets" and "make a rain cloud" out of the jars.  We didn't pull anything out until about 3pm, so it was good that the activities were pretty short.  (Also, Isaac suggested doing an activity instead of asking for TV.  It could have been that he saw the jars, but then he could see the TV too.  I'm considering it a win.)

Our first try at rain clouds didn't go so well because we had the wrong shaving cream.  I was going to the store later in the day anyway, so I picked up the correct kind of shaving cream.  I wish we had had a bit more time to go on the internet and look at the water cycle, but hopefully something still got across as I was talking about it.  If nothing else, it was a pretty fun thing to do.

After making blue rain we added yellow rain.  It turned green.

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