Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday: Michigan's Adventure

The company gave Ben (and family) passes to Michigan's Adventure, an amusement park, as the company picnic this year.  Ben and I decided to capitalize on it and also got a babysitter for both boys.

We had an excellent time.  I've decided I don't love roller coasters with the things that come down over your head; I feel like my head get pounded back and forth!  But they're still fun and I did like the wooden roller coasters.  Although I was scared a bit; I'm pretty sure I wore a face that looks just like the one Isaac makes when he's really scared.

We also spent some time at the water park; this was my favorite part.  I really like intertubing through dark tunnels.  It's scary but not too scary.  The big funnel ride that had a big drop and then sent you through a tunnel was fun...and Ben had to go backwards in the ride, so it was extra scary for him.

I'll admit, we didn't have a bunch to talk about this trip.  But I enjoyed not talking and not listening.  I don't get to do that very much any more.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Love water parks! Glad you had fun and good weather too!