Saturday, June 20, 2015

Saturday: random things to remember

*Isaac requested peanut butter and nutella for his birthday dinner.  So now every time we talk about peanut butter and nutella he reminds me that it's his birthday dinner.  (And we're going to have a sandwich bar so that not everyone has to have peanut butter and nutella.)

*Joshua has found his loud scream.  It's loud.

*Isaac has been stuffing his car seat strap into the holder.  The first time he did it I was a little annoyed because I just saw the loop and thought he had changed the settings...then I pulled it and realized it was a trick.  A good trick.  But now he does it all the time and still thinks it's tricky even though it isn't.

*Joshua likes playing in Isaac's room.  He scoots over there with purpose.  To be fair, the balloons and duplos are there and they are super fun.

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