Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday: 42 weeks

Joshua is 42 weeks!  The thing I've noticed most this week is how happy he is to see Ben all the time.  He comes in the room and there is great wiggling.

Today we drew out of the jars "clean a room" and "read a Jesus Story and do an activity" (link).  We cleaned the office.  Or at least cleaned the floor off so the rumba could work and took up all the water bottles.  It really needed to be done.  For the Jesus story, we started with reading about God promising a son to Abraham.  The activity didn't sound super fun to me, but I thought I could find enough materials to sort-of do it.

While reading the story I came up with a different activity.  It still had the same concept, but was cooler.  The concept was how many descendants Abraham would have and how that's a really big number.  So we punched holes in a box and shown a flashlight through it to make stars.

At one point early on we counted the number of holes.  There were thirty-some holes and he counted them with only a medium amount of help.  I was impressed.  (The other day he also told me there was a 24 on his shirt.  I didn't think anything of it until he left and was surprised he knew the number.)  But then we made a lot and he couldn't count them...just like Abraham couldn't count the stars.
This was a good project because Isaac kept going back to it throughout the day and making more holes.

Joshua enjoyed his cottage cheese at lunch.

and he wanted to grab the camera.
Sigh.  Super cute but oh so annoyingly messy.


Amy Worrel said...

Cottage cheese is hard to clean up. :) I love the box stars activity. What a good idea!

betsy said...

Shining the flashlight through the box is such a perfect idea!