Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wednesday: ups and downs

The day started at 1am with a weird sound, waking me from my sleep, happening about once every 20 seconds.  "Maybe Jesus has returned!" was my first excited thought, followed by a bit of fear.  (Let's face it, the unknowing is scary.)  Well, that thought was wrong.  Maybe something is buzzing on my nightstand.  After throwing my hand over there and moving things around in the dark a few times, I was guessing that wasn't the problem.  Ug, it's time to turn on the light.  Is it coming from my clock?  I thought so.  I unplugged my clock, and the noise continued.  What a weird clock!  I moved the clock to the kitchen, because obviously I had a possessed clock and I didn't want to hear it for the rest of the night.  Oh.  It wasn't the clock.  Bother, now I'll need to reset it.  It's the phone.  Why is the phone making such noises?  I closed the monitor app and it stopped.  Huh.

In the morning we went to pick up some of Ben's Very Old Stuff from growing up.  Many boxes.  Of course, Joshua didn't want to be without me.  So I put him in the carrier on my back and hauled boxes.  Not ideal, but he sure was happy.  Isaac was bored, but survived.  It surprised me a bit, because usually he loves playing at Grandma's house.  (Oh, also, he decided that Ben and I should become his age and we could all play together and Cheryl could take care of us.)  He did get some of Ben's old toys, and was rather excited about that.

It was beautiful outside, so Joshua and I went out for a bit while Isaac finished his nap.  I'm hoping to be more on top of the fall gardening, but we'll see what happens over the next month.  Joshua continued to be rather clingy.

The flies are back.  There are fruit flies too.  However, my fruit fly trap works pretty well and I have a good way of getting rid of the flies, although it isn't very fast.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday: red walls

Fall break!  I didn't have to work, but still brought the boys the boys to day care.  I went to Bible Study, did some work around the house, and took a nap.

Ben and I decided that Joshua's room might have the same color paint as our room.  I had always thought of his room as being a darker red, but when looking for paint today there was only one red.  We held up a chunk of Joshua's wall next to our wall and it is close.  I don't think it is quite the same, but the lighting isn't very good either.  However, it might be good enough.  We're going to try and see.

Oh, and we forgot Giraffe at home today.  Isaac asked where he was when we got to school, and when I said he was at home Isaac immediately said, "We need to go back and get him!"  I said I would watch him today while I worked at home.  I caught him trying to drink my mountain dew at lunch.  Isaac later told me that Giraffe doesn't like mountain dew.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday: meh

The boys were a bit sick today.  It started yesterday(ish) and continued today.  Isaac was a bit lethargic.  Joshua was talkative.

Isaac also had the worst meltdown to date.  It started because he was running late for his bath so it was going to be extra fast.  Therefore, I wasn't going to give him a color to change the water.  In hindsight, I probably would have given him a color.  But I wasn't sure it would completely dissolve before it was time to get out.  Screaming ensued.  Then I dumped some water on his head, called him washed, and took him out.  Then he just wanted to be back in the bath.  Lots more screaming.  I finally moved him to the time out area and told him he could come out whenever he was under control.  But I didn't leave too much...we got pjs on, gave hugs, had more screaming, etc.  I finally asked him if he thought he would change my mind and he said no.  That seemed to be the turning point, although all the way through the bed time routine he calmly told me he wanted a bath.  I continually told him he could have one tomorrow after school.

Isaac went right to sleep.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekend: cottage

This weekend we went up to the cottage and had an excellent time, marred only by the fact that Ben was unable to join us.

Joshua and I did some swinging  while others were on the paddleboat.

(Everyone has big smiles, although you may need to click to enlarge.)

Joshua got another ride on the swing.  He was happy to be with anyone except Dad.  (And even then, Dad got to hold Joshua once.)  By the end of the weekend there were a few times he even preferred Pat to me, which was rather surprising.

The walking kids enjoyed searching for just the right acorns to throw into the water.

...although they didn't really need to search as hard as they did.

Isaac helped Dad with some sanding.

And we went for a ride around the lake.


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thursday: dangerous Jesus

Isaac kept talking about dangerous animals today.  I kept thinking that he was saying Jesus instead of dangerous.  And while one is a noun and one is an adjective, the sentences kept making a tiny amount of sense...just enough to make me be completely baffled over and over as to what he was saying.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday: 45 months

Isaac turned 45 months today.  He was rather stubborn about not letting me take a picture of him, so this one is the only one I got.  Well, I took another that I wasn't supposed to, but it isn't very good.

Favorites: Isaac seems to have lots of favorites lately...
*color: black, hands down
*stuffed animal: Giraffe.  Giraffe is still full of sad emotions, especially when Isaac leaves him.  The other day his first name (Giraffe) was taken by some clouds, but no one had told giraffe what his new first name was yet.
*dinner: chicken and's his "very best favorite"
*meal: peanut butter 'tella
*sweet food: donuts.  (Hooray!  He helps my donut addiction.)
*mom: Me.  I'm told several times a day that I'm the best mom in the whole world.
*dad: Ben.  Ben regularly gets emails that have videos saying "I love you Dad" because Isaac is so sad that Ben had to leave.

He still has some pretty strong emotions, but I feel like they're more under control than they were last month.  He isn't crying every day and time out has again become more rare.  However, his crying now includes some screaming...the good part?  He's usually calm soon after the scream gets out.

I also wanted to mention that I feel he is trust-worthy.  (Or at least as much as can be expected with a 45 month old.)  The other day I asked him to put himself in bed for rest time.  And he did!  He doesn't always do what we ask him to do right away, but he will at least tell us that he doesn't want to do it.  When we convince him that he does have to do it, I can leave the area and know that he will do it.  (Although, I'll admit, not always as fast as I was expecting him to do it.)

We had about a week where he said "poop"  all the time.  I think we got rid of it.  It was a combination of a lot of people telling him it wasn't nice to say and the threat of a bad taste in his mouth.

He rarely has toilet accidents anymore, even at night.

School seems to be going well.  He goes right into his classroom without a backwards glance.  (He is also super excited to see me when I come to pick him up, so it works well both ways.)  He can spell and write his name.  (Not very neatly, but he can.)  He can color inside lines, trace objects, and understands how to do simple math.

Several people have mentioned this month that he suddenly seems older.  The toddler is all gone, replaced by a very fun preschooler.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Late Monday: 14 months

Joshua turned 14 months yesterday.

Attitude: He's been pretty happy lately, except when he's not.  When he's not happy he calms down if you pick him up.  If you don't pick him up (or put him back down on the floor), he expresses his displeasure by throwing himself backwards.  Luckily, we now know the habit and cushion his fall.

Playing: He plays well by himself.  He's starting to bring books over to me to read.  Usually it is Little Blue Truck or Pout-pout fish.  I think he likes the kisses in pout-pout fish because he always puts his head close to mine when it's time for them in the book.

Motor skills: He is rapidly learning to walk.  At the rate he's going he might be walking all the time within a week, but I'm sure that by next month he will be.  He uses the walker sometimes.  He is starting to try and use a spoon, although I still put the food on it and he isn't very good with it yet.

Food: he's pretty good with whatever we're eating, but seems to like bread and meat the best.  Fruit sometimes works.  Vegetables are hard and there's no way to give him any incentive to eat them yet.  He nurses about four times a day.

Sleep: He naps for about 1.5 hours in the middle of the day.  Sometimes he'll take a short nap in the car in the morning if we're out and about.  He sleeps from 8pm until 5ish, eats, and goes back to sleep until 7am.  I'd really like to get rid of that feeding, but am afraid it'll mean that we're up at 6 or 6:30.

Attachment: he alternates preferring Ben or me better, although often either of us will do.  He's not a huge fan of going with other people, but calms down soon after we leave.

Talking: he definitely has a sign for all done.  He waves bye-bye and good night on cue.  He still doesn't have many more verbal words since last month, but there is a da he uses as a command type word in several situations.

update: he also folds his hands when you say the word "pray" and likes to turn light switches on and off.