Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Year End

Well, after I posted the last post I stayed awake for a little bit, but was completely out of it. It was funny. I then took a wonderful nap outside.

In the afternoon we went Go-Karting and Mini-golfing. I think the highlight was passing Larry in the go-karts. I'm not sure if he let me or if I finally edged in, but I decided it doesn't matter.

This evening we had a delicious meal. There was a ball dropping across the way (and a party, but Ben and I didn't stay around for it) and fireworks. The fireworks were super close...they were too bright several times. And there were some that looked like mini-suns before they exploded. Anyway, since it was getting too painful to watch them we walked down a few feet to the fence where they were setting them off and watched that. There were also some palm trees, so that helped with controling the brightness.

Happy 2008!

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