Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday: well, tomorrow's a new day

Well, I've had better days, although really only a small percent of the day wasn't great. And one problem was fixed and the other has hopes of being fixed tomorrow. Well, only two major problems today. We won't mention the normal problems that happen in the course of a normal day lately. Those are considered challenges and I guess are what make the job fun. My goal is to get a project done by next Friday. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted.

But I digress. The most exciting thing of the day had to do with those two airshow tickets I mentioned. I thought someone was just trying to get rid of them and encourage aircraft love. But it turns out that the guy ended up saying they were for my hard work on the project and I got congrats from my boss and my boss' boss. The other good thing about the airshow is I'll have something to take a picture of again.

I'm raiding tonight. We'll see how well it goes. I've been significantly cutting back since my last WoW post.

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