Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday: barking

Isaac has a terrible barking cough.  He seems to be doing ok most of the time, but he is more snuggly than normal so we can tell that he doesn't feel great.

He woke up during the middle of his nap in rough shape, but we inclined his mattress tonight so hopefully that helps.

Poor guy.


Anonymous said...

Hope Isaac is feeling better now.

Annette B.

Amy Worrel said...

Carolyn gets that too, almost every time she has a cold. :( It's so hard to listen to. Humidifier helps a ton. Now that she's in a big bed, I give her a couple of pillows for her head, and that helps, too. Tylenol always seems to help, too. Or a little bit of honey on a spoon. Sometimes I will try hot/warm water in a cup with a little fresh lemon juice and honey dissolved for her to drink. She only sometimes has liked that. When she was a baby, we'd take her in the steamy bathroom while running a hot water shower.