Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Year's weekend

Nathan and his family came up for the weekend.  We did Christmas presents and enjoyed being together.

Friday, Isaac's birthday, started out with a Clifford visit.  Joshua was rather scared, but we took the picture anyway.

(They were twins.  Grey shirts and black pants.)

Although stopped promptly, the older kids enjoyed bouncing on Dad and Pat's couch. :)

We went to the Noon Year's celebration on Saturday.  Rather busy, but everything kept moving.  A bit boring for the adults, but the kids seemed to enjoy it.

We opened presents after nap time.

The kids played together extremely well.  Joshua was a bit worried about Jameson taking his toys, so he hid them in assorted obvious places.  But at one point Jameson had Joshua's grabber as Joshua had been busy elsewhere.  I told Joshua to wait.  Joshua waited, even though you could see in his face that he was very worried about his grabber.

1 comment:

betsy said...

Cute pics from both library events! Glad you could enjoy some time with family too :)