Saturday, April 1, 2017

Legoland, day 2


At the restuarant.  It was a buffet style, so there were plenty of choices.  The first day Ben put two tater tots on his plate and Joshua was adamant that he didn't want them again.

We saw a pirate in the lobby.

The dragon at the entrance.

We had our picture taken last time by this octopus too, but both boys were in strollers sleeping.  Joshua did fall asleep in the stroller for about 45 minutes near the end.  It was almost a problem because Isaac started saying his feet hurt.  (They had to share the stroller.)

This lady was by Cypress Gardens; Legoland took them over but left some of the greenery.

Isaac really wanted a picture next to this one.

There was a gigantic banyon tree in the middle of the garden.  They grow roots down from the branches, which then turn into trunks.

After the gardens we started walking back, doing some of the things that the boys wanted to do.  (We did it that way the first day too, because the things they wanted to do had short or no lines.)  Isaac wanted to do a button push game.  They weren't there too long, and then he was bouldering.  He did it twice.

Isaac went on the joust and Joshua and I headed to the carousel for different horses.  He got distracted by the train.

Here's his special bear.

And waving to the kitty cat.
The train distracted him next, so we went on that twice, once with Isaac and Cheryl, before having a treat of apple straws and ice cream, riding the caurosel, and picking out some Legos to bring home.

At the front of the hotel, right before packing up the car.

The trip was a hit.  (Today Joshua wanted to go back to Legoland and we almost had some tears when that wasn't where we were going.)

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