Saturday, April 8, 2017

Saturday: running

The Tulip Race is coming up.  Isaac wants to win...but I told him that there would be big kids there too and we probably wouldn't win.  But we would do our best (and perhaps time ourselves).  He runs with such small steps.  I'm trying to get him to stretch his legs out a bit, but it didn't seem to go over very well.  He did it once and suddenly went fast, but I'm not sure he realized how much faster it was.

Run #1 was this morning with Joshua.  Isaac is so much faster than Joshua.  He took a few breaks to recharge his zooming legs, but ran most of the way to and from close beach (a total of .3miles).

Run #2 was supposed to be around the lake (about a mile).  I wasn't sure how far we'd get, but based on run #1 I thought we had a good chance of getting about half way.  However, three driveways down he tripped and did a face plant.  We walked most of the way home when he turned and ran back to close beach and then back home.  It's probably good...if we had gone around the whole lake I'm not sure who would have tired out first.

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