Thursday, April 27, 2017

Thursday: power outage

There I was, going along, teaching a lab around 8:45am.  "Teaching."  This lab was going rather well, so I was actually doing some grading.

The power went off.  There was a piece of equipment connected to the building pressurized air, so it was suddenly dark with a very loud, "ca-chunk".  In a basement room, with no lights and no monitors it gets really dark.  There was enough time to think, "hmm, the power just went out." and "it's really dark in here" when the power came back on.

The computers were all booting up again when the lab director came down.  He came to help people recover their data, which is good because I had no idea how to do such a thing.  However, the power outage must have been campus wide because the server was down.

The server took just long enough to come back up that we had the students skip to the last part of the lab.  We also canceled the lab report.  This was especially awesome for me since I was going to have to grade this lab report instead of my grader.

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