Monday, July 9, 2018

Monday: VBS and swimming

Today was the first day of VBS.  I have third graders this year, instead of my normal forth or fifth graders.  I can tell they're a bit younger, but some of that could just be personality too.  The fun thing about being with this group is that I also get to see Isaac for a few of the group things.  He was sitting right in front of me for one and it took me about five minutes to notice.  As always, I didn't feel like a great leader.  But since this happens every year, I'm rolling with it.

This year there is a bad guy called "Bolt Voltage."  And oh my, the kids loved him.  He would run through areas really fast and the kids would all be like, "there he is!  Get a picture for [the puppet]!"  Isaac and Joshua, especially Joshua, talked about him non-stop from the time I picked them up from their classes until we reached our next destination.  Although the puppet has said he is a criminal, both boys think he might actually be a good guy.  Joshua was very clear that you can't get close to him or chase him because you might get zapped.  Joshua also said, "We need to sing more songs and play more games so that Bolt Voltage comes back."  I said, "Wait a minute.  We don't sing songs to get the Bolt Voltage to come back.  We sing them for God."  Needless to say, I didn't really hear anything else about their mornings at VBS.

(If you look carefully, you can see a black caped person running in the middle of the picture.)

After VBS we went to the pool with Betsy.  It was a nice fun time's nice being able to do things in the early afternoon.  Near the end Isaac realized he could do a bit of a bob and swim a (very) short distance...we'll have to get him in a pool again soon.  Joshua did a bob and put his ears in the water for a float too, so that was good.

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