Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Tuesday: VBS, tired

Today was the second day of VBS.  It went better than the first, as expected.  

Joshua wouldn't stop talking about Bolt Voltage again.  As he told Ben, ""It's really not safe at church right now. The criminal is ruining VBS."  The stories he told seemed to get more elaborate as the afternoon went on.  Also, the puppet set a trap by the bathrooms for Bolt Voltage and didn't capture BV but instead captured the raccoon (costume).  Joshua's take away was this: "This was a trap by the stop sign bathroom but it didn't capture the criminal.  It captured the hedgehog's brother.  [The puppet] needs to save him!"  Obviously it couldn't have been the raccoon that was on stage because he was on stage, so it had to be the brother.

Isaac started ice skating lessons again.  He picked up about where he left off, so that's good.  There were also twice as many teachers and about half the students, which I was very excited to see.

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