Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday: shopping trip

Joshua and I were at the grocery store, and we were trying to find some mittens since we lost one of his.  I saw some sunglasses on sale and paused...they were advertised at $4 but were actually only $1.  They only ended up fitting Joshua, but it's still a great deal.

While we were there, Joshua saw some Minecraft pajamas and thought Isaac would love them.  I took a look at the price tag and decided they were a bit more than I really wanted to spend.  We left to continue our search for mittens and Joshua brought them up again.  So Joshua is getting them for Isaac for Christmas...we'll see if they stay a surprise or not.

On the same rack were some Pickachu pajamas on the same rack that Joshua really wanted.  So I told him that we could get them for him, but he shouldn't look so it could be a surprise.  So he put his face down in the cart and closed his eyes.  He hasn't mentioned them again.

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