Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday: Catan

This evening Aunt C came over.  First she played with Joshua while Ben and I played Catan with Isaac and then she played with both boys while we went out for dinner.

Isaac did an excellent job with Settlers of Catan.  He's played the junior version a lot and he played the "adult" version with me once.  Playing with only two people doesn't work very well though because trading doesn't work great.  He did a really good job though and got right into the trading.  We helped out a little bit, but he made most of the decisions on his own.  Catan Jr. really is a great stepping stone to the full version.

Oh, it was great except for the time Ben played a monopoly on brick, of which Isaac had just gotten six.  There were some tears as he realized that he had to give away his newly acquired brick and he didn't get anything in return.

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