Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sunday: shenanigans

Last night Ben put in color changing light bulb that is controlled through the phone in one of the lamps.  We both woke up around the same time, after the kids, and proceeded to turn it on and have it change colors.  They were stunned.  There was a lot of screaming, "what??!!"  Ben turned it off.  He turned it on again, only to more screaming.  He turned it off.  I went out to see what was going on, but didn't believe them after waiting a bit for it to turn back on.  I went back into the bedroom, only to have it turn back on...and off before I came out.  Then Ben and I were in the kitchen, but we were conveniently getting things from the fridge/behind the counter when it turned on, and by the time we looked it was off.

Ben finally had pity on them and showed them what was going on.

During rest time (i.e., rest time for Ben and me, play time for kids) the boys seemed to be having more fun than normal.  I was in the basement and heard almost continuous laughter, Ben was trying to take a nap but the fan wasn't drowning out their laughter well.  They had been playing some game that, once again, involved taking all the pillows and blankets and sheets that they could find to make a path.

However, that is not the game they ended up playing with all the laughter.  Apparently, they were getting their socks wet and throwing them on the floor, making puddles.  Which made the floor really slippery and Joshua fell a lot.  ("But it was so fun!" he said.)  Ben got up and told them to clean up, which they did without complaint.

I might have let it go longer, but then it probably would have ended in tears and that is never a fun ending.  It doesn't seem like the safest activity, but it sure was fun to listen to.

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