Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday: snow day

Isaac had a snow day today!  There wasn't a ton of snow, but maybe it was really cold?

Anyway, I was rather glad about it because 1) I don't have to work Fridays and 2) Isaac could help entertain Joshua while I wasn't feeling good.  It turns out that I'm definitely on the mend.  I was still more tired than normal, but no fever and found myself doing things instead of just sitting.  That tends to be my clue on how well I'm actually doing...if I just can't make myself move I'm usually sick.

Anyway, snow days are good for running around boxes.

I played Duplos for the first time in a while.  We watched "Cars" since it matches the puzzle we are currently putting together.  After that I snow blowed.  Luckily, Ben had discovered that the augur was a chunk of ice before leaving for work, so I had a space heater thaw it during the morning.  That wet snow from a few days ago had come back to haunt us.  Anyway, by the time I had finished that and done some computer work "rest" time was almost done for the boys.  I decided to take a nap anyway, since they still had their screen time to go.  Well, they continued to play together for the next two hours.  I took my nap and read some of my book before I heard the voices start to get frustrated and so I came out and we had ice cream.

After screen time we had a brief clean up time since during their three hours of playing together they put enough toys in all the walk ways that it was pretty much impossible to walk anywhere without stepping on something.  The cats had tipped over their treats, so they had to help during clean up time too.

Yay for snow!!  There is a bunch more in the forecast and it looks like there will easily be one or two more snow days next week. :D

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