Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wednesday: Isaac

This morning Isaac and I went to a nearby karate school to see it.  He loved it.  (To be fair, half of it was an obstacle course and not something that is done every time.)  Anyway, I signed him up.  And since I'll be there for most of the lessons anyway, I signed myself up too.

Later in the day he said that he really wanted to use the screwdriver that he had gotten for Christmas.  So I pulled out some scrap wood and he went to town using his tools.

We went back in the evening for our first official karate lessons.  Isaac actually had two - there is a class for younger students first and then a class for lower belts.  He said he liked the first one better.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself in the second one though.  I was the only adult for this class, and the kids kept slowly drifting over my was a bit funny.  Anyway, it was a bit tricky but not too tricky.

It turns out I only got a picture of Isaac being a shark...

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