Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday: Joshua

Joshua and I were on our own again for the first time in two weeks.  We started with a visit to a different day care...their pre-K room is still for four year olds instead of being more of a young 5s.  While I didn't dislike the place I'm also not sure that I loved it.  It's still in the running but I need to do some more looking.

I also got two videos out of Joshua.  Sorry about the video on the second.  We were doing them in the car and I didn't realize my mitten was in front until the end.  He wasn't willing to do it again.

We hit Meijer for a few groceries.  On the way out, he lost one of his coloring pages from gymnastics due to wind.  This ended up being a tragedy.  A big one.  Never mind the fact that he rarely uses the coloring pages or that this one had been stepped on several times and was probably gross or whatnot.  It probably took him a good fifteen minutes to recover from the loss.

I also brought Joshua to the doctor today for frequent bathroom trips.  It got a little ridiculous as we were doing our errands and he had to go to the bathroom six times in 2.5 hours.  Nothing was found in his urine though...sugar levels were normal and no sign of a UTI.  The plan is to wait a week and see if it resolves itself.


CHilldore said...

That is SO cute Joshua!!

betsy said...

Which daycare did he visit?