Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Tuesday: snow day #3 moving into #4

Today was another snow day for Isaac.  It was a good call; it wasn't great out.  They also canceled school for tomorrow at the same time.  That one was expected...it's supposed to feel like -25deg F for most of the day. 

While I was teaching at 2:30 Hope College canceled all classes for 3pm and after, including tomorrow.  It was a bit odd...suddenly half the students were glancing at their phones and whispering.  Well, if all the students got something at the same time it can only mean that, today at least, classes were canceled.  Sure enough!

Some students didn't read the notification and so I got to give them the news that classes are canceled tomorrow too.  But then I told them that classes weren't canceled until 3pm, so I got to keep them for another 20 minutes (unless that felt as though the needed to leave for safety reasons).

I then sent an email to my on-line lab saying that their lab report is still due tomorrow!  However, I did note that if they needed to drive to use a lab computer or walk too far to meet with their partners to let me know and I could grant an extension. 

I told Joshua he could have a snow day tomorrow, but he'd have to play by himself and do some cleaning because I still have labs to grade.  Luckily he agreed to that contract, because his daycare canceled for tomorrow too...along with what seems like most of Holland.

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