Friday, October 18, 2019

Friday: day off

Isaac didn't have school today.  We spent most of the day at home.  We cleaned off the table and got some new Legos out.  (And yes, the table is now messy again.  I almost took a picture of it for the five minutes it looked nice.)

Joshua got out his new robots.  I don't think he had fully appreciated them before, but as he started to look at the box and realize that it was a Boost set, kind of like Isaac's, he got very excited.  He worked all day to put R2-D2 together.  (And by all day, I mean every spare moment he had.  He took a few breaks to eat, have screen time, etc., but otherwise he was working on it.  I was rather impressed.)  He almost has it done.

Isaac decided to play with the pick-a-brick cups.  I was a bit surprised, but that has been a bit more up his alley lately.  He spent most of the morning doing it and some of the afternoon.  (I did make both boys clean their rooms.  Joshua has it down to a science.  Isaac decides to play with everything while putting it away.)

We're trying to make rock candy.  I don't think it quite worked...we might need to reboil it tomorrow.  However, the boys loved the super saturated sugar water.

The new dryer came today!  Yay!  People were starting to run out of clothes.

This evening we went to the library for a small pumkin fest.  We painted pumpkins and listened to some stories.  I'll admit, I've missed story time with Mr. Rob.

1 comment:

Heather D. said...

Small pumpkin fest! Fun!